Would you like to purchase a new boat, a new yacht? Are you looking for a dealership or a distributor for new boats? Are you looking for a specific make or model to sell? Our online directory of manufacturers and sales agents will help you.
- 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Salpa, Windy, Crownline, Eurocrown, Sale: Slovenia
Boats/yachts: powerboats, motor yachts/cabin boats
- 3000 Celje, Slovenia
Campion, Regal Sale: Slovenia
Boats/yachts: powerboats, sports boats/day cruisers, motor yachts/cabin boats
- 6320 Portoroz, Slovenia
Ferretti, Bertram, Pershing, Apreamare, RivaSale: Austria, Czech Republic, Croatia, Hungary, Poland, Slovenia, Slovakia
Boats/yachts: powerboats, motor yachts/cabin boats